Application Process

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Applicants will be asked to submit the following documents:

  • Two copies of the High School Certificate with the original provided for verification (the original certificate will be retained in event of acceptance).
  • Two copies of the Saudi ID card with the original provided for verification.
  • A copy of the Good Conduct Certificate plus four personal photos.
  • A copy of the Achievement Exam result.
  • A copy of the Aptitude Exam result.

In accordance with the University Council, the following criteria will be used to determine eligibility for admission to the 2-year Pre-pharmacy program: 

  • Cumulative percentage of high school certificate 
  • Achievement Exam 
  • Aptitude Exam 
  • Personal interview

Each criterion will be weighted as follows:

  • Accumulative percentage of high school certificate grade = 35% 
  • Aptitude Exam grade = 30% 
  • Achievement Exam grade = 35%

The rate is calculated based on differentiating between students as follows:

Composite ratio = (Cumulative percentage of high school certificate results × 0.35) + (Aptitude test results × 0.30) + (Achievement test result 0.35)
Example of the method of calculating the ratio:

An applicant with a score of 95.00% in the high school certificate, 85.00% in the General Aptitude Exam, and 80.00% in the Achievement Exam will be calculated for admissions ranking as follows:
Accumulative grade = (95 × 0.35) + (85 ×0.30) + (80 ×0.35) = 86

This forms the basis upon which the differentiation between students is based and is applicable to those who meet the general admission requirements.