Prof. Alaa Eldeen Bakry Yassin's Promotion

Prof. Alaa Eldeen Bakry Yassin

Professor of Pharmaceutics

Pharmaceutical Sciences Department

College of Pharmacy, KSAU-HS


The College of Pharmacy, KSAU-HS would like to congratulate Prof. Alaa Eldeen Bakry Yassin for his recent promotion from Associate Professor to Full Time Professor of Pharmaceutics during the Scientific Council Meeting No. 67 held on 13 March 2016.


The Scientific Council considered the application which was consequently agreed and approved by His Excellency, Dr. Bandar Al Knawy, President, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences.


We believe that this great achievement is the fruit of your hard work and dedication. Hence, we admire your commitment to excellence and your recognition of the importance of developing those skills are necessary to be successful in life. We hope that your promotion will allow you to continue your valuable contribution to boost our institution's Vision and Mission.


Moreover, your willingness to go extra mile has always been quite well-known and we are looking forward that this will serve as an inspiration and motivation to all faculty and staff.


Wish you all the best for your continuing success.

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